Joseph G. Orobia

Joseph G. Orobia

MAA, MRAIC, LEED® AP, Principal

"When I was six years old, I underwent open-heart surgery to repair a coarctation to my aorta. I spent quite a bit of time at hospitals during my childhood, so whenever somebody asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my natural response was "Doctor." However, from the moment I could pick up toys, it was clear that my strong passion for space planning and design was pulling me in a different direction. I could spend hours playing with LEGO®, drawing floor plans (seriously), and taking apart my remote control cars to salvage the parts for new inventions. I fondly remember building a G.I. Joe® stronghold out of some styrofoam that I had salvaged from the packaging for our family's new VCR. When I was about nine, I invented a basketball shooting game out of a shoe box, tape, and some rubber bands. It managed to score 50% of the time, which is more than most NBA players today. I always held a strong belief that if there was something I needed or wanted, I could just build it."

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