Antoinette Baquiran

Antoinette Baquiran

B.Env.D., MID, Interior Designer

“Ever since I could remember, I have always been captivated by the process of creating. There was a show named Crazy Quilt that I watched religiously when I was growing up. I remember watching the TV, then running around the house during the commercial breaks to gather all the items to make the craft they had just completed. To my downfall, I would always be missing pipe cleaners or pom-poms, which my mother thought were a waste of money to buy. So from then on, I started to hoard items here and there that I believed I could use in my crafts. Slowly, I constructed my own "Barney bag" of art supplies that I continue to add to to this day. My philosophy is that everything can be made into something. This notion continues to fuel my hoarding of crafting supplies and my passion for creating, which had led me to design. Designing has given me a new outlet to continue my desire to craft and create. In addition, it has also led to meeting others that have the same passion as me, allowing for collaboration and creation to another level that excites the maker in me.”

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